Washington DC Anxiety Counseling

Put Anxiety In Its Proper Place: Washington DC Anxiety Counseling

Washington DC Anxiety Counseling

When we get hit with anxiety, it can range from a debilitating episode to a passing annoyance. All people have to deal with anxiety and no one is immune from anxiety, in some form, causing discomfort. Often, anxiety can be so much a part of our lives that we don’t realize how much it interferes with our success in our relationships, careers, or our physical health.

Fortunately, our anxiety counseling provides professional help to give you strategies to unburden you from the harmful effects of too much stress.

Anxiety Checklist:

Do you find any of these to be issues for you?
If so, we invite you to call one of our counselors for a consultation or appointment with our specialists who specialize in Anxiety Counseling.

  • Want to be more “present” and enjoy life more
  • Struggle with obsessive or intrusive thoughts
  • Find yourself doing things over and over and want to stop
  • Have panic attacks
  • Use alcohol or other substances to relax, “unplug” or escape from stress
  • You or others have noticed a loss of appetite, weight gain or loss, or have an upset stomach in response to stress
  • You have persistent pain that does not seem to have a clear medical cause
  • You take prescription medication for anxiety or depression and want to heal the source of the symptoms
  • You avoid situations that lead to anxiety or panic
  • Frequently feel indecisive or miss opportunities because of being too cautious
  • Worries interfere with work or important relationships

Our anxiety counseling is provided by compassionate and competent professionals that know what it’s like to ask for help. You can be sure that when you talk to us about your situation, we will listen carefully and let you know how we might work together toward a practical solution. Talk therapy can be a rewarding and challenging experience. We invite you to talk with us more and ask any questions you need answering to know that your counselor is the best person to help you navigate toward a more anxiety-free life.

FAQs About Our Individual DC Counseling

CALL 202-505-4528 for a Consultation