Addressing Self-Esteem Issues

A poor self-esteem can have negative consequences in almost every area of your life. It’s likely to impact your social life, your work life, and your ability to reach your goals. However, there are some things you can do to repair your self-esteem.


Reasons for Low Self-Esteem

There are many reasons people develop a low self-esteem. Sometimes it results from a difficult childhood. Being picked on by peers or being raised by overly strict or overly lenient parents can impact your feelings of self-worth.

Sometimes a low self-esteem results from a person’s overall outlook on the world. Some people seem to able to recover from failure or rejection rather painlessly while others blame themselves and beat themselves up over seemingly minor issues.

Being different can also impact a person’s self-esteem. When people grow up in a culture that isn’t sensitive to their needs, it can certainly have a negative impact on a person’s feelings of self-worth. This can be especially true for people who don’t feel supported or accepted in terms of their sexuality or sexual preferences.

Repairing Self-Esteem

Therapy can help repair low self-esteem in several ways. Talk therapy can help you identify and replace irrational thoughts and beliefs.

Many people with low self-esteem experience thoughts such as, “I’m not good enough.” Therapy can help you identify where those thoughts come from and how to make your thoughts more productive.

Meeting with a therapist who specializes in GLBTQI issues can help improve your self-esteem. A therapist with experience addressing sexuality in treatment will understand your needs and be best suited to help you identify strategies that will improve how you feel about yourself. Therapy can help you break that cycle and begin living the life you want.

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